The last day of vacation is always tough. You try to cram as much as possible in before it's all over. Today we slept in, ate a late breakfast at the hotel, and then went in search of the Miniature Cottage, a dollhouse and miniatures store. We got there with no difficulty, but we had a very hard time getting away. From the display in the front yard of the shop--

to the numerous dollhouses and room boxes on display, it was at least a half hour before we even got around to shopping. Then it was about 2 hours before we finally called it quits and paid our way out. We both have a tiny bundle of new items for our miniatures addiction that we will carefully carry through the airport tomorrow and hope they arrive at home undamaged.
We went back to the hotel and spent the afternoon in the atrium, photographing the beautiful flowers and foliage, having a mint julep at the Jack Daniel's Saloon, riding the little Delta Riverboat around the complex and shopping for a few last souvenirs. We have to be up bright and early tomorrow morning to catch an early flight, so it's off to bed pretty soon now.
The Opryland Hotel is something special. There's so much to see and do, but the best thing is the wonderful gardens in the atrium. If the cost of living weren't so high here, it would be a really nice place to park for awhile.

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