Given the choice between an Interstate and a Farm-to-Market road, I will take the FM road everytime. There's nothing I like better than driving two-lane blacktops through farm land. With all the rain we've had lately, the corn is coming right along. The stalks were about 4 feet high and so thick that it looked like a green lake. It was every bit as pretty as any lake.
I saw deer in pastures along the way. I saw herds of cattle being monitored by huge flocks of snowy white egrets. Occasionally a big flock of the egrets would rise up as my vehicle approached and I would be enveloped by a cloud of white wings.
Just as I left Wharton and headed south to Boling, the skies opened up and rain came down in torrents. For about 10 minutes, the rain was so hard that I was reduced to driving by watching the line in the middle of the road. But afterwards, the fields sparkled and the sight was worth every white knuckled minute of driving that came before.
When I got to the clubhouse, the rain was about 30 minutes behind me. I stood outside and watched the snaky lightning trail across the sky. Try as I did to get a picture of it, I could never hit the shutter release fast enough.

I enjoyed several hours of fellowship with my family and then headed back home. Now the sun was out, the sky a brilliant blue. I detoured long enough to visit the graves of my grandparents and two sets of great-grandparents. Another 90 minutes of driving through the backroads of Texas and I was home.
What more can you ask of a spring day? The opportunity to visit with family, drive through fertile farmland and pay tribute to your ancestors. And, incidentally, pick up a week's supply of breakfast rolls at the bakery in LaGrange. Life is good.
1 comment:
After you left Boling, if you took F.M. 1728 to SH 35, you passed our house 2 1/2 miles west of 35. Did you at least honk?
R. Ging
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