Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas 2004

Another Christmas has dawned. I've seen 50 of them. Some happy, some sad, some exciting, some drab. In whatever mood this Christmas finds you, take a moment to remember why the day exists. Yes, Christmas has become a long, tiring trek through snarled traffic and over-crowded malls filled with stores with over-priced merchandise. Sometimes it is nearly impossible to find a reason not to lock yourself inside your house until the day passes.

But a little over 2000 years ago, a baby was born who changed the course of the world. Forget the decorations, the food, the gifts and the over-charged emotions that fill the day today. For just a moment remember a quiet stable, tired and frightened parents, brilliant stars in the heavens, flocks of sheep on the hillside and the sudden cry of a newborn son. That is what Christmas is about.

My family celebrates tomorrow, so today will be quiet here. Some last minute wrapping, cooking and cleaning will fill my day. Some overworn, Christmas movies on the TV to accompany my activities. Two little dogs to hover around my feet hoping to catch a few dropped morsels of food while I cook. I look forward to a peaceful day to putter around.

Today I begin what I hope will be a regular activity--posting to an online blog. I share a lot of my genealogy findings in a newsletter, but sometimes the odd memory or experience prompts me to jot down a few thoughts that never find their way to publication. These thoughts will cover a variety of topics and be posted as the mood strikes. I hope you find something of interest in my musings.

Merry Christmas. Peace and Good Will to all men.


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